AKG Study Plan Enrollment Signup
Are you interested in testing the effects of AKG on longevity and epigenetic aging? Let's validate a supplement that has been reported by media and biohackers to reverse aging.
How it will work, and what do you get? Qualified participants will be able to monitor their own results (using PhenoAge, GrimAge, wearables data, and survey results, depending on their monitoring program). Each participant will also be able to view and analyze the overall group results. Your individual results will be shared with you throughout, and then you will obtain a group study report that includes anonymized summary data included along with others as part of a group outcomes analysis report.
Participants will first complete a screening survey for the group. Provided they qualify, they will be able to join and they can then purchase the appropriate biomarker monitoring bundle. Each person will be provided with appropriate instructions and reminders to complete all testing and surveys, in order to ensure reliable results, including with specific dosing described for AKG. Note: The cost of supplements are not included, and they will not be provided. They must be purchased separately and the estimated cost is $30-$50 per month for supplements.
View the AKG background slides for more details on the group and treatment rationale.